Women’s International Film Festival NYC / Entries Close 1 OCT

Imagine This is proud to announce its first annual Women’s International Film Festival to be held on November 12-13, 2016 in New York.

The Women’s International Film Festival will be based in NYC devoted to supporting films produced, directed, and written by women from all walks of life from all over the world.

ITP’s mission is to showcase the work of women storytellers from around the world, and bring artist and the community together for a rich experience that is supported by networking and informative information.

They want to give young women filmmakers the support to share their stories.

The eligibility age requirement is: 16-24.

There is an award for best women filmmaker.  Films Directed, produced, or written by young women filmmakers.  It’s an Open Genre Film Festival.

DEADLINE: October 1st, 2016

More info: http://www.imaginethisprods.com/