Screen it / entries close 25 Sept 2018

Screen It offers young filmmakers, animators and game developers the chance to show off their talents through group or individual moving-image entries.

The  2018 theme for Screen It is “CURIOUS” – (You can interpret Curious any way you like)

Screen It entries are due in by 6pm Tuesday 25 September 2018

Judged by industry professionals including film and game makers, academics and industry representatives, there are prizes for each category. At the end of the competition, students, teachers, families and friends are treated to an awards gala at ACMI in Melbourne to celebrate their achievements.

Designed for school-age children 18 and under, Screen It fosters the next generation of visual creators across film, animation and video games. Students are encouraged to challenge the limits of their imaginations and showcase their new technical skills through their entry, which goes in the running to receive great prizes plus the chance to be exhibited inside ACMI’s permanent free exhibition, Screen Worlds.