Revelation Perth International Film Festval overview / Jordan

Jordan from Film in Revolt hit the ground running with his media pass at the Revelation Perth International Film Festival in July.

Strange Colours

The film’s visuals are the standout hit from the entire festival. Alena Lodkina approaches her story with the same care and unobtrusive nature as films such as Call Me By Your Name has done before, this time fashioned to an Australian background that provides a new perspective to the dry world.

Pet Names

What keeps this film above water is the dynamic relationship between the two leads. Meredith Johnston and Rene Cruz fulfil their honest part in this story of rekindled friendship/freedom as we cant help watch the two, begging for them to just fall in love.

Thankfully the film provides justice to this rare dynamic relationship that surpasses some conventions of lo-fi, indie filmmaking and makes it a worthwhile watch.

Antonio Lopez: Sex, Fashion and Disco 

The admirable story of fashion’s great innovator Antonio Lopez will leave you swaying and springing your way out of the cinema.
Sex. Fashion. Disco.
This all seeps throughout 95 minutes of documentary charisma, jumping from one passionate interviewee to the next in vibrant colourful style.


A memorable standout from the festival, Bugs hits close to home as it poses as this Australian generation’s Dazed and Confused.

The Wake

The Wake packs a lot of style and craft into this large tale of a woman’s desire to restore order to her transformative world.
With plenty to say the film flings too many ideas (many of which will fly over your head) at the audience through stop motion animation and live action techniques. In doing so a central protagonist is lost and the disengagement from what is being said results in a snoozy watch.

Five Fingers for Marseilles

This South African tale of defending your hometown against all odds gets a lot of its influences from spaghetti westerns to create a fresh, contemporary twist on the genre.